Heinåli Farm

Heinåli Farm

Choose a Holiday in Harmony with nature.

Research confirms that cows have a soothing effect on people as a result of their slower heart rate and higher body temperature.

Situated close to Heinåli Hytta and opposite the Apartment, Heinåli Farm demands constant attention, even on weekends. Farmers need to take full advantage of good weather conditions, making sure tasks such as grass cutting are finished before any rainfall. The farm's operations are viewed as enhancing the beautiful natural environment for visitors rather than causing any disruption.

Aslak has overseen the farm since 1997, taking over from his parents who founded it in 1972.

The farm is home to approximately 35 dairy cows along with heifers and calves, although the numbers can vary. Robotic milking plays a crucial role, known for its efficiency compared to manual milking. Benefiting both the cows and the daily schedule of the farmer.

Cows are gentle companions, only displaying an intimidating demeanor when protecting their calves. Otherwise, they are usually calm and curious creatures. Each cow exhibits distinct characteristics and behaviors, much like human individuality. Farmers gradually learn to anticipate each cow's unique behaviors over time.

In the past, cows were given names, but emotional attachment made it difficult when they fell ill or aged, requiring slaughter. To alleviate emotional distress, cows are now identified by numbers only.

For more insight into Aslak's perspective on farming, you can find additional information here.

Visitors to Heinåli often delight in the serene atmosphere and picturesque landscape surrounding the farm. The opportunity to witness the daily routines of a working farm adds to the charm of the experience.

Many guests enjoy watching grazing cows or calves enjoying the new experience of being outside, albeit behind a fence.

Heinåli Farm takes pride in its farming practices, striving to maintain a harmonious relationship with the environment. The farm aims to preserve the natural beauty of the region for future generations to appreciate.
With a focus on animal welfare, Heinåli Farm ensures that its livestock are well-cared for and live in comfortable conditions. The cows are provided with spacious barns and outdoor areas to roam freely, promoting their physical and mental well-being. This dedication to animal welfare reflects the farm's commitment to ethical and responsible farming practices.


"I have lived at Heinåli all my life. I have always thought it was interesting with milk production. It is the complexity of the whole process that makes it fascinating. The long way from cultivating the soil, removing roots and stones, growing something to be harvested and stored, and eventually fed to become milk and meat. There is also a long way from a cow is pregnant, to the calf being born and can get its own calf. It takes 3 years.
Development goes as fast as everything else. In the 1970s, the cows stood on booths in Heinåli as well. We had to sit down at each cow to milk. In the 1990s we did some changes in the cowshed and released the animals. We milked by chasing 5 and 5 in a milking parlor. It was fine work, better for the knees and back of my father and mother who were running the farm then.

I took over the farm in 1997 and drove it the same way till 2007 when I built up a large extension with better berths for animals and a milking robot. Something that facilitated the work even more, but also set significantly greater demands on me as a farmer. New knowledge of technology and a better understanding of animals and production.
Farm life has its ups and downs. Today, May 10, it snows and I really should be out and set up the fence to a field that will be food to the cows.
The more pleasant it is to sit on the terrace watching the cows eating fresh grass on the fields. Or watch the old cow of 11 years check if there are guests in the cabin, there is so nice juicy grass around there.
The farmer's life is good, I would not change a single thing."

  • Cows, while grazing, make bowls of grass and swallow them. Later, the cow regurgitates one by one from its stomach into its mouth and then chews them. The cow chews each bite 55-60 times before sloughing it.
  • Cows do not sleep. They lie a lot and relax. When they relax, they chew the food they have eaten earlier.
  • Chewing produces approximately 200 - 250 liters of saliva. The saliva is necessary for enzymatic degradation of the feed.
  • One cow drinks about 100 liters of water per day.
  • Adult cow weighs about 700 kg.
  • Half year old cow is called heifer.
  • The female gets her first calf when she is 2 years old. The calf weighs about 40 kg at birth.
  • Our oldest cow is 11 years old and had 9 calves.
  • A cow gives in averages about 8,000 liters of milk per year.

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